Nowhere Boy
2010-05-04 / 17:29:46 / skrivet av: Lisa Blomgren
Har ju glömt att skriva om filmen vi såg- Nowhere Boy. Gillar man musik eller är det minsta lilla musikalisk är detta den bästa filmen, inte bara för musikens skull, utan hela filmen är så välgjord. Inlevelsen, skådespelarna, musiken och miljön. Liverpool. Tidigt 60tal. Jag kommer bara säga det här en gång, men jag erkänner att jag är en äkta nörd för sånt här. Se den!!!
En av mina absoluta favoritlåtar "In Spite of all the Danger", har gjorts om i en riktigt fin cover också.

In spite of all the danger,
In spite of all that may be
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
In spite of all the heartache,
That you may cause me,
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
I'll look after you
Like I've never done before
I'll keep all the others
From knocking at your door
In spite of all the danger,
In spite of all that may be,
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
In spite of all the heartache,
That you may cause me,
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
En av mina absoluta favoritlåtar "In Spite of all the Danger", har gjorts om i en riktigt fin cover också.

In spite of all the danger,
In spite of all that may be
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
In spite of all the heartache,
That you may cause me,
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
I'll look after you
Like I've never done before
I'll keep all the others
From knocking at your door
In spite of all the danger,
In spite of all that may be,
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
In spite of all the heartache,
That you may cause me,
I'll do anything for you,
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to,
If you'll be true to me

måste ses! gillar oxå 60-tals-stuket :D